Category Money & Emotions
Have you designed your “Life” Budget?

Budget? Yes, you know that’s a roadmap for your money. A way to understand how much is coming in and making sure you spend less so that you have some left over, or at the very least, break even. That’s…
Have you considered choosing to be an “Essentialist”?

Language! Isn’t it interesting how it changes and evolves with each generation? Minimalist. Essentialist. Hoarder. Confusing! I had heard of those people who referred to themselves as Minimalists, but had never understood what it REALLY meant. Until I met…
Are you set for your Quality of Life? What Is it?

Quality of Life. There may be a strange ring to the words, but we look at our purchases with an eye to the quality needed to fit the needs of the job it will serve. For something to look pretty…
Are you LIVING your Life based on your Goals and Dreams?

How do you feel about your life? When you awake in the morning, are you anxious to get going into your day’s activities? Are you happy? Satisfied? Dreaming of a happy future based on developing what’s happening today? Or are…
Do YOU know where your Money is?

Good, beautiful day everyone! Thanks for stopping by. Coach Sandra here. In this world of money, I’ve been a financial advisor since 1982, but more importantly, I’ve had lived experience with money all my life – that’s decades! and…