Have you considered choosing to be an “Essentialist”?

Language! Isn’t it interesting how it changes and evolves with each generation? Minimalist. Essentialist. Hoarder. Confusing!
I had heard of those people who referred to themselves as Minimalists, but had never understood what it REALLY meant. Until I met one in person. As I entered her apartment, I was offered a fold-away low-end chair. My client sat in the only comfortable little chair in the room. There was so little in the space, I was sure she was just moving in and the rest would arrive in the next week. NO! This was it. I expect there was also only one set of dinner plates and cutlery, because where would company sit if she invited anyone in? BARREN. I was fascinated. She had come to this on purpose, from an old house chucked full of antiques which she sold as a business. I was in shock! She was managing a very frugal life. She confirmed that if she couldn’t move her location in a taxi, she had too much stuff. Ingenious. Clever. But certainly not a way I could be happy living.
Hoarders. Another lifestyle I could not abide, However, in my little nest, I recognize a hoarding propensity for books and paper. Piles of books and paper…
Essentialist. Hmmm. Interesting word, isn’t it? I was totally surprised when a friend sat visiting as I commented that ‘I really needed to clear out stuff. Too much stuff in my little space, although it really appears to be books and paper’, I said. Sounding very kind, he immediately remarked that I appeared possibly more of an Essentialist! I could live with that!
You see, I grew up taking care of what we had, because there was value in not having to replace items. And we often saved stuff, in case we would “need it one day”. And we often did, living miles from town, out on the farm. My big challenge has been to move into this time of consumerism and throw away. Doesn’t sit right with me. Feels wasteful and disrespectful. So, you guessed it, I still have too much stuff stored in my basement. It has been brought to my attention that stuff has a purpose and wants to be released to be used for that purpose. This was what eventually prompted me to start passing along items to others who could and would use it. It’s a joyful giving. I’m ready to part with much more as soon as I have people who will use it. And they are actually showing up in my life as immigrants, refugees and the under-privileged. I’m enjoying releasing it.
As I played with the concept of me as an Essentialist, I liked it. I recognized how I had lived a full life created really from my conscious choices. I’d rather travel than renovate, for instance! As I explore and reflect over my life choices, I find that I have come to a very peaceful place in a very peaceful space – which I call my own little nest. It’s small and has everything I need.
Have you considered how you feel in your space? in your place? in your choices? I can guarantee you, it’s worth the contemplation!
CHOOSE your life!
You can do it. I can help.